Feasibility Analysis to Replace Converter Transformer in Zhaoqing Substation with One in Shenzhen Substation 深圳站换流变替换肇庆站换流变运行的可行性分析
The HVDC busbar corona characteristic is the main factor taken into account for choosing busbar of HVDC converter substation. 直流母线电晕特性是换流站选择母线的主要考虑因素。
The level and characteristic of the electromagnetic disturbances in converter and substation are researched. 研究了换流站和变电站的电磁骚扰现象和骚扰源的特性和强度。
An auxiliary fuzzy logic control for Converter Substation in HVDC system HVDC系统中换流站的辅助模糊控制
This project is applied to the control circuit of the frequency converter power source of for measuring ground resistance in an electric substation. 此方案成功地应用于变电站接地电阻测量变频电源控制电路中。
Analysis of the last CB/ line protection at AC switch yard in converter substation of HVDC project 高压直流工程换流站交流开关场最后开关/线路保护运行分析
Classified the electromagnetic environments in converter and substation, and determined related electromagnetic disturbance level. 对换流站与变电站的电磁环境类型进行了划分,并就不同的环境确定了相应的电磁骚扰水平。
Determined 10 immunity tests and test level for monitor, control and protect equipment or systems intended for use in converter and substation, and established immunity assessment criteria for the different functional requirements and actual electromagnetic condition. 对换流站与变电站的二次监控、保护设备或系统提出了10项抗干扰试验,并根据设备的功能要求与电磁环境的关系,提出了二次设备的抗干扰性能判据。